Free Design Tool

Flowtite® FRP pipes

A new design tool called AMI-TOOL is available for static calculation of Flowtite® FRP pipes, based on the AWWA M45 (Fiberglass Pipe Design Manual). This manual provides design engineers with a valuable resource when preparing plans and specifications for fiberglass pipe projects.

Thompson Pipe Group – Flowtite invites to you to apply for a free software license for AMI-TOOL, which can be downloaded for online or offline use.

Static calculations for buried pipe:

  • Per M45 Fiberglass Pipe (AWWA M45, 3rd Edition2013)
  • Per A127 Fiberglass Pipe (ATV-DVWK A 127, 3rd Edition, 2000-08)

Hydraulic calculation:

  • Hydraulic calculation, flow and head loss (beta)

Thrust block calculation:

  • Per GW 310 and CIRIA 128 standards