TPG Engineering Services
Your Partner for Complete Solutions and Comprehensive Support
With a history of support and partnership involving projects throughout North America, Thompson Pipe Group offers turnkey solutions for all pipeline projects.
Our engineering staff offers technical solutions and support for projects of any scale, including retrofits, upgrades, rehabilitation and new installations. Offering onsite and remote support, Thompson Pipe Group is your partner throughout the entire process—from design to commissioning and maintenance. Assistance is provided on projects that include our pipe materials – FRP, concrete pressure pipe, steel, tunneling, pipe and polymer concrete. Services provided:
- Pipe design
- Thrust restraint
- Corrosion protection assessment and recommendations
- Complex fittings design
- Specification review
- Pipeline layout
- Pipeline modifications such as cut-ins, tie-ins and line taps
- Pipe condition assessment assistance
- Pipe material selection
- Technical training sessions (on-site or virtual)
Contact our Technical Resource Group for assistance.
- Deya Escalante – Technical Resource Engineer
Email: descalante@thompsonpipegroup.com
Phone: 214.404.0058