Prior to the early 1940s and the introduction of C301, Reinforced Concrete Cylinder Pipe (RCCP) was the most commonly used Concrete Pressure Pipe in the United States and Canada. RCCP (C300) is manufactured in accordance with the AWWA C300 Standard and is designed in accordance with the AWWA Manual M9.
First manufactured in 1919, RCCP (C300) consists of a watertight welded steel cylinder with steel joint rings at each end, one or two circumferential reinforcing cages of steel wire or bars, and a high-strength concrete structural core. The steel cylinder, joint rings and reinforcing cage assembly is encased in Portland cement concrete using a vertical casting process. In addition to providing significant structural strength, the concrete encasement provides a passivating alkaline environment that protects the embedded steel components from corrosion for the life of the product.
Transmission/feeder main
Sanitary force mains and trunk gravity pipelines
Water: single-pass tunnel applications (e.g., microtunnel)
Inverted siphons
Vertical shaft/MH/chamber piping walls
Chlorine contact tanks
Detention (underground) tanks
Water and/or wastewater intakes / outfalls (subaqueous pipelines)
Treatment facility – yard piping
Cooling water system pipelines
Power and industrial plant piping
Direct jacking